The DA-run Western Cape is on track to become South Africa’s first blackout-free province, with nearly all municipalities ready to provide residents with electricity from Independent Power Producers. All we need is for the National Minister to gazette the necessary law to make this possible.
Already in Cape Town, residents are often spared blackouts, or are placed on a lower load shedding level thanks to local power production by the DA-run City.
Nationally, we continue to pressure government to get out of the electricity generation business.
We say:

👫 Privatise electricity generation. This includes allowing citizens to generate their own power to keep the lights on.
🔌 Change the law so businesses and individuals can sell the extra electricity they generate onto the grid for others to use.
☀ Offer a R75 000 tax rebate to cover the cost of installing solar systems in homes, to take pressure off the grid.
💡 Zero-rate VAT on LED lightbulbs and energy-efficient appliances.
⚡ Allow municipalities to purchase power from Independent Power Producers (IPPs), rather than having to rely on Eskom.
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