John Moodey | 01 February 2019DA Gauteng leader says ANC and the EFF were throwing their toys out the cot because they failed to get their way
Coalition of Corruption attempted to collapse Council to protect patronage network
1 February 2019
The ANC and EFF in the Tshwane Metro Council have again displayed a flagrant disregard for their constitutional mandate to serve the people of Tshwane by attempting to collapse the Council Meeting. They hurled outrageous insults at Mayor Msimanga in an attempt to drive him out, but failed
As unsurprising as it is, it is still disappointing that public representatives elected to serve the people of Tshwane, which includes participating in Council, chose to disregard that mandate in a failed attempt to score cheap political points.
This follows the Speaker of Council disallowing the ANC’s frivolous motion of no confidence in Mayor Solly Msimanga after he had already tendered his resignation.
The ANC and the EFF were throwing their toys out the cot because they failed to get their way.
Their true objective was to collapse Council before the Auditor-General’s report that exposed the City Manager and GladAfrica could be tabled. But again they failed.
The ANC in the Tshwane Metro Council cited that the meeting did not have quorum and therefore could not continue. This is disingenuous and a deliberate distortion of the truth to try and mislead the public.
The ANC’s tactics were a predictable move to protect its patronage network. They wanted to ensure that Council did not deliberate on the report to suspend the City Manager pending the outcome of a full and proper investigation.
However the Coalition of Corruption did indeed succeed in voting down a proposal to suspend the City Manager, and in doing so, protected him yet again.
The real question is why are they insistent on protecting a City Manager who has a case to answer, and what do they stand to benefit? They have done so now for a third time.
The DA will however persevere and continue to make this progress despite thuggish disruptions, as witnessed yesterday.
It is regrettable that the ANC and EFF have behaved in this fashion. It is for them to explain to their constituents in Tshwane as well as the residents as a whole as to why they have chosen to shield a City Manager who is facing serious corruption allegations.
The DA will however persevere and continue to take action against those implicated in corruption. We will do so despite thuggish disruptions, as witnessed yesterday.
Issued by John Moodey, DA Gauteng Provincial Leader, 1 February 2019