No country in the world can afford to not secure their borders as uncontrolled immigration violates the rights of ordinary South Africans who have to compete for scarce resources.
The ANC government is incapable of ensuring law and order in the country. They only care about enriching themselves and are incapable of managing the real problems South Africans face.
The Department of Home Affairs is riddled by corruption and disorganisation and has caused an immigration system failure, followed by violence and tragedy.
This is not what we were promised.
We need leadership and change capable of dealing with the problems South Africa faces.
The Democratic Alliance is bringing change that builds One South Africa for All.
The DA will fight corruption, fix the police service to be honest and professional, create fair access to real and long-term jobs, secure our borders and speed up the delivery of basic services.
The DA has a plan to secure our borders and stop illegal immigration.
We believe that it is important to:
- Assist, support and care for legitimate refugees and asylum seekers.
- Attract foreign nationals with scarce skills to South Africa to help us grow our economy and create jobs.
And the DA will secure our borders and stop illegal immigration by: - Arresting, detaining and deporting those who repeatedly enter our country illegally
- Ensure undocumented immigrants are regularised or assisted in leaving the country if they do not meet the criteria for remaining in the country.
- Strengthening our border posts. Through proper control and order, we can create corruption-free and effective border security and control.
- Eradicating the corruption and inefficiency endemic to Home Affairs.
Don’t reward ANC failure with your vote because nothing will change.
This election is about your future.
Use your vote to ensure a strong DA because only the DA can secure our borders.